Well, Mike Farrell maybe

From the leftie wall of shame at DiscoverTheNetwork:

(Note that the top and bottom halves are from different sections of the wall, and that Horowitz responds to critics of the wall here (discoverthenetwork . org / Articles/In%20Denial.htm). Berresford is the head of the Ford Foundation, so maybe in her case as well.)


Horowitz is a slimy character but is not genuinely evil like a Susan Berresford. Anti-White hate groups like MALDEF and the National Council of La Raza would barely exist were it not for the likes of Berresford. The Ford Foundation is a latter-day Comintern, but far more effective.

No matter how you feel about Bush, "leftists", etc, Horowitz's site front page magazine dot com is a pretty scary place. As is Horowitz himself: an unsavory hack who on his site once called someone who disparaged one of his books on Amazon a "Nazi".

It's the new McCarthyism.