SOTU Open Thread


The "spending appetite of the federal government???" Apparently nothing is his fault.

"willing workers" "jobs Americans will not take" "rejects amnesty" what a load of BS

He keeps regurgitating these same AILA slogans again and again and they were lies each time.

For more on Bush's guest worker plan, see The Big Show on the Border.

"unprecedented actions to protect Americans... improve border security..." Meanwhile, back in the real world, 3 million illegal aliens will sneak across the border this year. How many could be terrorists?

"the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in the world" Holy Moses! The DHS can't even get their bureaucracy running smoothly and he wants the whole world to join hands and sing? Let the backpeddling begin with he.

I hate to be cheap, but: he pronounces Arabic about as well as he does Spanish. And, English.

Well, that's over.

GahpBlawgers: There's Condi and Rummy!

Harry Reid is from Searchlight? I think I've bought gas there! Or, at least I've seen the signs.

Nanci's showing some leg. Oh yeah.

Unlike Harry, Nanci is one of those scary liberals. Harry is a nice liberal, like that pharmacist in It's a Wonderful Life.

Now, Nanci is telling us something that flies in the face of the results of the recent election. Now, Nanci is making some sense about rebuilding and diplomacy. There should have been a WPA in Iraq right from the start, which would have greatly reduced the numbers available for the insurgency.

What exactly are the Dems doing about the gaps in our security? Oh yeah, trying to help illegal aliens - perhaps including terrorists - get driver's licenses.

I'm looking around for other bloggers commenting about this, but all I have is this Instapundit post. The only list-of-live-bloggers link provided is to KoolAidCentral. I'm trying to think up a Soviet reference...

This one is not from Lorie Byrd, just close:


As all my readers know, I am a great admirer of President Bush. However in the last year, he has grown immensely as a President. Like other great Presidents, especially those who have governed the nation during times of war, President Bush has learned and become an even more effective leader.

Tonight was simply stunning. It was the latest peak in a climb that began at the President's acceptance speech at the Republican Convention. Essentially the President has found a message as well as a mission. That message is freedom.

The President was simply superb in his presentation of social security. He framed the issue in simple terms that every American can understand. I have little doubt that public opinion polling will show a huge spike in support for the President's already popular plan...

Meanwhile, over in reverse KooKoo land:

"First he kills that woman's son for oil, then exploits her pain on live TV":

Is that woman stupid or what?



"I hate to be cheap, but:"

Listen for the next time he says "nuclear".

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