"Phoenix official dies after jumping or falling from car going 60 mph"

I don't know what category to put this in:

Witnesses told police that Kevin Keogh, 55, [Phoenix's] finance director, climbed through sun roof onto the top of his moving Mercedes-Benz near 64th Street, stretched out his arms and then jumped or fell from the car.

The car continued driverless until it crashed into a Dodge Neon waiting for a stoplight at 68th Street around 3 p.m. No one else was hurt...

...At a brief news conference Thursday morning, City Manager Frank Fairbanks praised Keogh's business acumen, calling him an "extraordinary professional," but also hinted that the bizarre death could have been related to a mental defect or medical condition.

Fairbanks said Keogh's wife, Karlene, had informed him that her husband had contracted a parasite in Mexico two years ago that had affected his brain and other parts of his body. The city was not aware of Keogh's illness, Fairbanks said.

The family said it believes the accident "is related to the impacts of this disease on his central nervous system."

In rare instances, people who ingest a parasite that lives in the soil and makes its way into fruits and vegetables in other parts of the world can develop frontal lobe disinhibition, which can make people do crazy things, said Dr. Christina Kwasnica, director of brain injuiry rehabiliation at Barrow Neuroligical Institute in Phoenix.

When it comes to making a decision, "our frontal lobes tell us what's socially appropriate," she said.

"The first idea that comes to mind, without the frontal lobe stopping it, we just act on it."