"Ignored In Open-Borders Debate: Rising Cost Of Second Underclass"

Heather MacDonald offers "Ignored In Open-Borders Debate: Rising Cost Of Second Underclass". This appears to be a condensed version of her previous article "The Immigrant Gang Plague".

See also "The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave" and "Hillbangers".


Should read: Any Govt. benefits usage to 15 year American citizens only. We want Green Cards off
any use of govt. benefits, including schools.
We don't need and don't want millions of...in here to ruin the quality of life and more.

One segment, Mexican gangs were permitted to infiltrate already by socialist politicos and bureaucrats traitors for own special interests. They are here committing crimes and terrorizing victims in LA, NY, etc. in full view already.

We are not going to be quiet about any of this garbage or tolerate any of this garbage any more. Get illegals out of here. Jobs to 15 year American citizens first in line. Any govt. benefits use to 15 year American citizens first in line. We want green cards of any use of govt. benefits. We don't need or want millions of ... in here to ruin the standard of living and more.

You're still at it?

You wacko.

I will tell you I have yet to find a Mexican willing to strap explosives to thier body and detonate for a cause. Religious or otherwise.

And we both know this is far from a partisan thing, and more about an economic one. The need for large buisness to be able to compete in the growing global market cannot afford to pay American payscale, so instead ships their labor from the South, avoiding workers comp laws, tax laws, and fair price of living wages.