"Little to stop illegal aliens from voting"

The Washington Times has an overview of the possibility of illegal aliens voting, but they don't provide any evidence of how many illegal voters there might be. They also provide background information on how little verification is made of voters in Maryland and Virginia.

The article closes with a representative from the worldwide Voice of Stupidity organization:

Peter Rubin, professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center, said many groups are "interested in suppressing the votes of minorities and using illegal tactics as a way of scaring people from coming out to the polls."

"That has happened in many elections," he said. "These tactics are real, continue to be used, and are underreported. It should be of concern to everyone, especially now, when everyone's vote matters."


This situation is so bad for this country.
This is war on us and our quality of life--on several fronts.

The politicos are going against 80% of the American voters and are basically traitors.
Thank the gods, the American people are finally waking up.

The univs have ruined the country propagandizing the too young and inexperienced. I wouldn't let any of their spoiled soft offspring guppies vote unless served in Nation Guard for four years(all for here only and including girls) Hot air, archaic, intruded with devastating social engineering for full employment and too many benefits for themselves. Socialism. Half the programs should have been cut out years ago. They are a con job and have committed fraud on our society. Big moneys need to be taken away from them.(esp. in CA)