Hey, I was just joking!

When the "news" broke that the Rathergate documents had been traced to the Abilene TX Kinko's, I posted the following comment:

It'd be nice if we could discuss the issues rather than what happened over three decades ago. Yes, I know about press bias, etc. etc. it's still three years ago [yes, I meant decades --LW].

Nevertheless, I'll try to complicate this matter even further:
1. Just because it has markings like the Abilene Kinko's doesn't mean it was sent from there. (Can bloggers issue subpoenas? Get those receipts!)
2. Even if it's from the Abilene Kinko's, there's still the possibility it was sent by someone other than the supposed key suspect. Red herrings and all.


Lest any funny business happen, I'd like to publish that INDC has made sure that the Kinko's video tapes for the Abilene branch are pulled and saved from deletion in order to guarantee future scrutiny. Kinko's assures us that they will be saved from the erase button, which is typically pressed every thirty days...

To actually supeona the tapes we'll need a civil or criminal case or investigation, but that's not hard; initial research efforts reveal the following (thanks to Left Coast Winemaker):

Forged Military Records Law
10 United States Code 932
Sec. 932. - Art. 132. Frauds against the United States...

There's a reason why bloggers don't have subpoena powers.

Here's a suggestion for my fellow bloggers. After - or even during - Rathergate, could you attempt to move a story that has much more importance for the U.S. as a whole? Here's an example.


If you don't get that the successful function of the fourth estate is at least on par with immigration, as is the Presidential election, then I'm pretty sure that you are sorely mistaken.