"I am a Corrupt American"

NJ Gov. McGreevey did it all wrong. He should have declared himself a "Corrupt American." Then, the big skeleton "in the closet" would be the fact that he's also a "Gay American." The fact that he was indeed a "Gay American" would have then overshadowed the claim to be a "Corrupt American," and Barney Frank and others would have rushed to his defense, making everyone forget about that minor bit about hiring a foreign national for a homeland security job.

Machiavellian? You bet your ass.

In releated stories, the Old Gray Lady makes a little bit of sense for a change: "Personal Crisis, but an Old Theme of Patronage."

"He wanted to have a place that was in close proximity to where the governor was because he was a personal adviser on call 24 hours a day..." Uh huh.

In the same theme as the link in the previous post that kept referring to 'Straight Talk', the 10/6/02 column "Why can't the rest of us get jobs as easily as Golan Cipel?" refers to Cipel as his "special friend."

Special note to VRWC members (AV level and third echelon and above): get as many Dems as possible to support McGreevey, then wait for the revelations about fund raising, Kushner, etc. to come pouring out in the days and weeks ahead...

UPDATE: Special note to operatives #17, #23, and #84325: Excellent work! Call for his immediate resignation, forcing Democrats to come to his defense. Well done!