Can't we move beyond this?

Unfortunately, we haven't yet reached the age where simply cheating on your wife with another man (or trying to coerce your TV star wife into giving you a Lewinsky in a sleazy Paris sex club) is commonplace and only of note for the Star and the National Enquirer? Apparently not.

While this is a sad, tragic affair, life goes on. For my future enjoyment and yours, here is a (356k) picture of soon-to-be-former New Jersey First Lady Dina Matos McGreevey Wacko jumping rope.

And, for those who want a flashback, here's a picture of Arianna Huffington.

UPDATE: Silly me. Here I thought this was just about him being gay, etc. Now, it turns out that there was probably much more going on here. But, as regarding the gay bit, perhaps we all should have read between the lines of this May 2, 2002 column regarding McGreevey's 'Straight Talk' campaign slogan.