"Back to Reality" for the Illinois GOP

The Illinois Leader editorializes:

The prospects of a Da Coach for Da Senate made this an interesting week in the soap opera that is Republican electoral politics in Illinois...

We know Republican primary runner-up Jim Oberweis met with party officials for his interview earlier this week. We're sure he's waiting with bated breath to see if the gang who can't shoot straight will deem him qualified to be the GOP Senate candidate...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Topinka and GOP National disgrace, er, we mean National Committeeman Bob Kjellander are now wooing State Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Downers Grove)...

...as long as Judy Baar Topinka and Bob Kjellander are calling the shots with impunity-and make no mistake about it, they are-three things are clear: one, Illinoisans will not have a clear answer as to what it means to be a Republican in Illinois; two, as a result, Illinoisans will not have an articulate standard-bearer for GOP principles to consider as a US Senate candidate; and, three, the Republican Party in this state will continue to slouch towards electoral irrelevance.

Here's a quote from Dillard:

"...an Oberweis candidacy would present unique problems when it comes to immigration and race and ethnicity, [problems] which I'm not sure we want to take on at this time."

What a wimp.

Contact info for the IL GOP is provided here if you want to suggest they grow a spine. Ted Nugent - yes, Ted Nugent - would certainly be interesting. However, their best bet would seem to be to choose Oberweis and through all their weight behind him.