Was an American convert to Islam involved in 3/11?

From Newsweek's 'An American Connection':

FBI agents today detained a Portland, Ore., lawyer after receiving evidence from Spanish authorities that the man's fingerprints allegedly were found on bomb-related evidence associated with the March 11 railway attack in Madrid...

The man was identified as Brandon Mayfield, a convert to Islam who is tangentially linked to one of the chief defendants in the so-called "Portland Seven" case - a suspected terror cell in Oregon whose six surviving members pled guilty last year of plotting to fight for the Taliban against U.S. soldiers during the war in Afghanistan.

Sources said that Mayfield had been under round-the-clock surveillance by the FBI for some time. According to law-enforcement sources, he was picked up by agents in Portland today and is being held as a "material witness" in a Grand Jury investigation - a status that allows the Justice Department to hold him in secret without formally filing charges against him...