The evils of outlander words

With this push to rid the English tongue of outlander words, I would like to say we should get rid of all Norsemen/Outlander (in other words, Norman) words and other things. 1441 my ass. I say No On 1066.

(All of the words in this and the foregoing are of good, Anglo-Saxon or Teutonic origin. Oops.)

In the first version, I had "(i.e.., Norman)". I.e., of course, is Latin. Thus, there were three non-Germanic words in the original. I am truly sorry and woeful for my mistake.


You are right, the right word is "arse," not "ass." However, you wrote "real" and "term," which are both outlander words ("iz" in "Bowdlerized" is also an outlander word-bit; I don't know what tongue the word "Bowdler" comes from, most likely English).

"arse" is the real man's Anglo-Saxon term, not the god-botherers' bowdlerized term, "ass".