Liberal Jeopardy

"I'll take Republicans Want To Pave Alaska for $1000, Alex."

"Republicans want to pave this national wildlife reserve to feed their SUVs... Natasha?"

"What is ANWR, Alex?"

"... Judges? Sorry, Natasha, we cannot accept that answer... MacDiva?"

"Why can't the Republicans ride their bikes everywhere like I do and instead they need to gas up their gas guzzling SUVs and destroy ANWR?"

"Correct, MacDiva! Remember Natasha, you need to state the answer not just in the form of a question, but also in the form of a whine."

I'm beginning to suspect that Liberal Jeopardy is biased against Contestants of Color because MacDiva should have gotten extra points for turning her answer into a mini-lesson as well as her righteous indignation. The struggle continues...