David E. Kelley's loss, society's gain

'Girls Club' has been cancelled after just two episodes. Too, too fucking bad.

Yes, you read that right. I'm the man on the Internet who says 'fuck.'

While you're here, have those spy planes been put back in their hangars yet, or are they still circling over D.C.? You never know, there might be more snipings, right?

It must be the weather department: captives give up more and more interesting information in overseas locales than in Gitmo. Someone alert John Derbyshire.

Slippery slope department: U.S. military building database of terror suspects' fingerprints, faces, voices (and irises (and, although it's not mentioned, perhaps DNA)

Speaking of slippery slopes, how about that Catherine Bell?

UPDATE: Belay that order, she's a Sci$nt*@(g|$t.