jorge mujica

Jorge Mujica

Spokesman for the March 10 Committee [1], which organized the March 10 Chicago march. He's also an official with Mexico's PRD party. [2] [3]. He has some involvement either as a leader or a spokesman of the newly-formed umbrella group called the National Alliance for Immigrant Rights. [4] [5] [6]

Organized the Immigrant Workers Justice Walk of [[September 2, 2006]]

[7] March organizers seek citizenship for all immigrants

[8] This cached page says: "[Mujica] has participated in several political and community based organizations, and is currently the Secretary General of the Mexican Party for Democratic Revolution, PRD, as well as a member of the Steering Committee of the [[March 10 Movement]], organizer of the march and May Day immigrant marches in Chicago".

[9] Search for "jorge mujica" prd

[10] [[Pro-immigration groups seek formal political power]]

[11], describing the convention where NAIR was formed, says: "The most important thing is that we gave the movement a national structure that will allow us to coordinate our actions," Jorge Mujica, one of the key organizers of the convention told reporters shortly after the meeting concluded. (That page also links to this google video featuring Mujica:


Around August 10 2006 he visited North Carolina: Speakers provide immigration bill information

Called "a top official of the PRD in Illinois" in December, 2006 (In Chicago, A Tale of Two Mexican Consulates)

In an article he wrote for the [[Chicago DSA]]'s [[New Ground]] #89 (July - August, 2003), he's refered to as "Political Action Secretary of the PRD in Illinois": "Immigrants Lose Representation in Mexican Congress", link

Long list of illegal immigration march videos

Last modified Sep 7, 2014
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Dan Lipinski challenger has divided loyalties, was official with Mexican political party (Jorge Mujica, Illinois) - 11/05/09

On Monday, Jorge Mujica of Illinois filed as a Democrat to challenge Rep. Dan Lipinski, also a Democrat.

Immigration march organizers have foreign links - 08/15/08

1. One of the organizers of the March 24 Georgia boycott was Teodoro Maus, a former Mexican consul general. He was also one of the organizers of the October 7 Atlanta march. That march was led by GA state Senator Sam Zamarripa and GA state representative Pedro Marin, both members of the Democratic Party.

Barack Obama statement supports illegal immigration marches - 05/01/08

Barack Obama has released a statement supporting the May Day illegal immigration marches [1]. He misleads by failing to note that the marches are designed to benefit those who are here illegally rather than legal immigrants. He's also apparently proud of having spoken at the May 1, 2006 event in Chicago; the main organizers of that event have links to the Mexican government with one even being an official with a foreign political party. That same official is a "key organizer" of this year's Chicago march [2]. Two years ago, I came home to Chicago to witness the mobilization of hundreds of...

March 10 Chicago march - 10/11/07

Organized by the March 10 Committee. One of the leaders of that committee is Jorge Mujica, an official with Mexico's PRD party. Those speaking at the event included U.S. Representative Luis Gutierrez, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.

Activist heads to L.A. rally - 08/17/07

Antonio Olivo/Chicago Tribune/[[August 17, 2007]]/ link

Immigrant rights activists gather in Chicago - 08/17/07

Socialist Worker/Lee Sustar/[[August 25, 2006]]/ link

Illegal aliens disappointed over Senate bill; boycott threatened; Tara Burghart - 06/08/07

Always willing to do their part to support illegal immigration, the AP offers "Immigrants Disappointed Over Defeat" by Tara Burghart. That appears to be the AP-supplied headline and, of course, "Illegal Aliens" would be the more accurate subject group. It quotes two disappointed illegal aliens, then this: Jorge Mujica, a spokesman for Chicago's March 10th movement, said one possibility is a boycott by illegal immigrants and their supporters against certain companies — perhaps national restaurants — to demonstrate the community's economic might. "It's not that we want to radicalize the...

Amy Goodman ignores Mexico links of illegal immigration march organizers - 05/03/07

Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviewed two illegal immigration march organizers (link) without mentioning that at least one of them has a highly questionable link to Mexico. Per her: To help recap and look ahead to what's next, we're joined by organizers of the day's two largest protests: * Angelica Salas, Executive Director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights in Los Angeles (CHIRLA). * Jorge Mujica, former journalist and union organizer and one of the lead organizers for immigrant rights protests in Chicago. He has worked for La Raza, Univision, and Telemundo, and has been...

May Day 2007: Peter Prengaman ignores Mexico links - 05/01/07

Peter Prengaman of the AP has a habit of not revealing the material affiliations of those he quotes. The latest instance comes in the much-updated "Protesters Press for Path to Citizenship": ..."If we don't act, then both the Democratic and Republican parties can go back to their comfort zones and do nothing," said Angelica Salas, director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA). "They won't have the courage to resolve a major situation for millions of people." ..."They announced the decision first and then they called us to consult us," said Jorge Mujica, a...

Immigration groups tap into war debate - 03/14/07

Peter Prengaman/Associated Press/[[March 14, 2007]]/ link Frustrated by Congress' lack of progress on immigration reform, pro-immigrant activists want to tap into growing anti-war sentiment this spring by combining the two issues at dozens of rallies nationwide.

ICIRR First Draft of Batavia September 1 march press release - 02/26/07

The file is entitled a "first draft" of a press release concerning the September 1 Chicago march and it's cached here and in the 18:41, 26 February 2007 revision:

September 1 Chicago march - 02/26/07

A small group of illegal immigration supporters walked the 42 to 50 miles (reports vary) from Chicago's Chinatown (meant to symbolize that we're a nation of immigrants) to Dennis Hastert's office in Batavia, Illinois. It took them four days, starting [[September 1, 2006]] and finishing [[September 4, 2006]]. Only "around 3000" showed up for the final rally. AKA the "Immigrant Workers Justice Walk".

Immigrants at crossroads - 02/24/07

Stakes are high for legalization campaign/Chicago Tribune/Oscar Avila and Michael Martinez/[[May 1, 2006]]/ link or link

March 10 Committee Press Release - 02/24/07

link PRESS RELEASE Contact: Jorge Mujica April 9, 2006 (773) ???-???? Labor Unions join immigration advocates for a just immigration reform...

Immigration Crackdown: 1,200 Undocumented Workers Detained Across U.S. - 02/24/07

Democracy Now/[[April 21st, 2006]]/ link Jorge Mujica, one of the lead organizers for the March 10 protest in Chicago that drew up to 300,000 people. A former journalist and union organizer, Mujica has worked for La Raza, Univision, and Telemundo, and has been involved in union organizing in both the US and in Mexico. ...JORGE MUJICA: Thank you very much.

U.S. Mexican Organizations Start Their Own Coalition - 02/23/07

La Opinion/Jose Luis Sierra/[[January 29, 2003]]/ link LAS VEGAS -- Some 60 representatives of various Mexican organizations from throughout the United States met Saturday with an ambitious agenda: Create a united front through a coalition named Organization of Mexicans Abroad (OME, abbreviation in Spanish) which would represent the interests of Mexican immigrants in the U.S.

In Chicago, A Tale of Two Mexican Consulates - 02/23/07

NPR (All Things Considered)/Cheryl Corley/[[December 2, 2006]]/ link

Pro immigration groups seek formal political power - 02/23/07

Chicago Tribune/Oscar Avila and Antonio Olivo/[[August 14, 2006]]/formerly at,1,5158964.story?coll=chi-newslocalnorthwest-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true

Immigration not just about Mexicans: Start of 4 day walk shows off - 02/21/07

Chicago Sun-Times/[[September 2, 2006]]/Sue Ontiveros/ link On a weekend when 'mainstream America will gather with family to mark Labor Day, supporters of immigrant rights are joining forces to let America see and hear how important their loved ones are to them.

Labor group backs May 1 immigration rally - 02/21/07

Chicago Sun-Times/[[April 25, 2006]]/[[Maureen O'Donnell]]/ link Discusses a Haymarket Square meeting to plan the May 1 2006 Chicago march. Organized labor linked arms with the immigration issue Monday at a Chicago street corner with powerful symbolism.

Mexican Americans hurry to regain Mexico citizenship - 02/21/07

[[Chicago Sun-Times]]/[[January 17, 2003]]/[[Lucio Guerrero]]/ link Mexican immigrants who became American citizens in the mid-1990s are in a race to get their Mexican nationality back, while also remaining American citizens.

Rallies sound immigration drumbeat - 02/21/07

Deseret News/[[September 5, 2006]]/Shia Kapos/ link BATAVIA, Ill. -- Spirited groups of immigrant rights supporters rallied in Illinois and Arizona on Monday ([[September 4, 2006]]) in marches intended to keep the drumbeat going for changes in immigration law.

Hundreds Meet to Launch New Immigrant Rights Alliance - 02/20/07

Socialist Action/Jason Cain & Wayne McElyea/September 2006/ link Reveals that "a number of delegates" to the National Immigrant Rights Strategy Convention had "close ties" to Mexico's PRD party. Rep. Luis Gutierrez - a member of the U.S. Democratic Party - attended and spoke at that convention.

Speakers provide immigration bill information (Fayetteville NC) - 10/07/06

"Speakers provide immigration bill information"/Venita Jenkins/ link Representatives from Hispanic organizations in Chicago came to Robeson County (Fayetteville, North Carolina) on Wednesday (August 10) to educate people about proposed immigration legislation. ...Arturo Carrillo, a member of the [[Southeast Chicago Coalition for Immigration Rights]], said many Hispanics aren't aware of the implications proposed federal legislation would have on their community...

Immigration march organizers have foreign links - 09/01/06

Many of those who attended the recent immigration marches are foreign citizens who are here illegally. But, it doesn't stop there. For instance, one rally organizer is a former Mexican consul general and another is an official with a Mexican political party. Not surprisingly, the MSM has barely mentioned such links. The reader is strongly encouraged to contact media sources and suggest that instead of simply reporting what goes on at future marches they do some journalism and look into any links between organizers and foreign governments or institutions.

More on the Chicago NAIR meeting from Workers World - 08/22/06

Around August 11, a few hundred illegal immigration supporters met near Chicago and created the "National Alliance for Immigrant Rights". One of their leaders is an official with Mexico's PRD party, and the article "Immigrant rights activists meet near Chicago" from Workers World has a little bit more on who's involved and what they want: Of course, it's necessary to take what they write with a grain of salt because the article contains things that could have been written by chief reactionary George Bush himself: Nineteen Minutemen vigilantes stood...

National Alliance for Immigrant Rights: Pro-illegal immigration groups seek power - 08/14/06

On Sunday around 400 people from 25 states met in Chicago to try to organize the disparate groups that assisted in getting illegal aliens and their supporters to march in our streets and demand rights to which they aren't entitled: "Pro-immigration groups seek formal political power" by Oscar Avila and Antonio Olivo. They formed a group called the "National Alliance for Immigrant Rights". One of the leaders is Jorge Mujica, an official with the Mexican political party PRD. At least to me, that completely taints everyone else involved in the group, and the reader is strongly encouraged to...

Chicago illegal immigration march organizer is PRD official - 07/20/06

One of the organizers of the March 10 illegal immigration march in Chicago is an official with Mexico's PRD Party. Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez, and mayor Richard M. Daley all attended and spoke at that rally.