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Featured Program: Illinois Cares Rx
A N e w s l e t t e r o f t h e S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s | E d i t i o n 2 | T u e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 2 5 , 2 0 0 8
Following two days of unprecedented collaboration, leaders
from around the world joined Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich in
signing a groundbreaking agreement that will reduce
greenhouse gases worldwide. The agreement was part of the
Governors' Global Climate Summit, co‐hosted by Gov.
Blagojevich and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, held in
Beverly Hills earlier this month.
The Declaration, signed November 19, will establish common
principles as Illinois and other signatories strive to create a
low‐carbon economy, enhance energy security and provide
ongoing support to national governments as they combat
climate change.
“The agreements signed at the Global Climate Summit are
major steps toward fighting the global issue of climate change.
We all agree that climate change is an urgent issue and that we
need to tackle it head on,” said Governor Blagojevich.
“Governor Schwarzenegger and myself, along with leaders
from around the world, have come together to develop ways
to achieve the greenhouse gas reduction we need to fight
against the potentially catastrophic effects climate change
Co‐Host Governor Blagojevich addresses the Summit in California.
could have on our ecosystems, infrastructure, human health and
The Declaration is a state‐province partnership to help advance
cooperative international efforts under the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change. Approximately 800
attendees participated in the Governor’s Global Climate summit
held in California.
On November 18, Governor Blagojevich joined Governor
Schwarzenegger and leaders from the U.S., Brazil and Indonesia to
sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to reduce
deforestation, which accounts for about 20 percent of the world’s
carbon emissions. Under the agreement, the states of Illinois,
California and Wisconsin pledge to work with the governors of six
states and provinces within Indonesia and Brazil to help slow and
stop tropical deforestation; the cutting and burning of trees to
convert land to grow crops and raise livestock;, and land
degradation through joint projects and incentive programs.
Everyone deserves access to good, affordable health care and no senior or
person with a disability should have to worry about how to pay for the
high cost of prescription drugs. Illinois Cares Rx provides state prescription
assistance to people with and without Medicare.
For more information or to sign up:
Call 1‐800‐252‐8966 or visit
Governor Blagojevich tours the Summit with California Governor
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Wisconsin Governor. Jim Doyle.

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Upcoming Events Calendar
A N e w s l e t t e r o f t h e S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s | E d i t i o n 2 | T u e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 2 5 , 2 0 0 8
DEC 9‐10 – ILLINOIS POVERTY SUMMIT – Governor Blagojevich will convene the first annual Illinois Poverty
Summit entitled Opportunities for Change: Taking Action to End Extreme Poverty in Illinois. The event is co‐
sponsored by the Illinois Department of Human Services and Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human
Rights and hosted with Northwestern University, will bring together leaders and advocates to develop
recommendations to bring about a substantive decrease in the numbers of Illinoisans living in extreme poverty.
Those interested in attending the summit can register online at
DEC 10‐12 – GOVERNOR’S CONFERENCE ON AGING – the Illinois Department of Aging presents a
comprehensive training event and meeting of professionals at the Marriott Hotel in Chicago.
Workforce Outreach Days
Connects Illinoisans with
w Workforce Portal puts
job search tools at Illinoisans’ fingertips
As the struggling national economy weighs heavily on
Illinois workers, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich announced
“Workforce Outreach Days” to help people prepare for
the job market, find new employment, and get their
family through the economic slowdown.
“I know that Illinoisans are suffering. We see evidence of
that everyday as families make difficult decisions about
budgeting their money, how to get by while they look for
a new job, or how to ensure that their children have
opportunities in this tough economy. While our state
cannot fix the mistakes made by those on Wall Street
and in Washington, we do offer services to help families
through a difficult time. During Illinois Workforce Week,
I want to make sure that Illinoisans know that they can
get help through services like Illinois workNet, All Kids,
and LIHEAP,” Governor Blagojevich said.
Governor Blagojevich also launched a new Workforce
Portal ( to connect parents,
job seekers, veterans, people with disabilities, small
business owners and employers with state services that
can help them navigate through the poor economic
Governor talks with people waiting for emergency food stamps
Governor Blagojevich Announces Plan
to Manage Fiscal Year 2009 Budget
Citing the impact of the national economic crisis on Illinois’
revenues, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today announced a
four‐part plan to manage the state’s $2 billion fiscal year
2009 budget deficit. The Governor’s proposed plan includes
passage of the Emergency Budget Act, which would give the
Governor and other constitutional officers added authority
to help them make additional cuts, a request to Congress for
increased federal stimulus aid, and further administrative
reductions in the agencies. In addition to these budget
solutions, the Governor is also proposing short‐term
borrowing which will help manage the state’s cash flow and
pay providers in a more timely matter.
“Today we have more difficult decisions to make. Illinois’
finances, like many other states across the nation, have felt
consequences of the poor national economy. And like a
family who has seen their income cut dramatically, we need
to take fiscally responsible action to ensure the state can pay
all of our bills and provide the core services that Illinoisans
need,” said Governor Blagojevich.