Tweets to Onur Varol

Onur Varol's avatar
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Onur Varol
Boston, MA
Postdoc at @NUnetsi, PhD in Informatics at Indiana University. Developed @Botometer -- Microsoft Research Intern (2014,2015) #networkscience, #machinelearning
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@issielapowsky: you quote @onurvarol like he's a credible source, referencing his Botometer. It's designed to quash debate. It's also incredibly flawed such as claiming there's a 40% chance Jake Tapper is a bot. _Grammar_ - an actual bot - is only slightly higher.
Onur Varol's avatar
From @onurvarol
RT @Botometer: We're excited to announce that we'll be rolling out a new version of the Botometer classifier on May 10! For the full announ…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@onurvarol: you developed #Botometer. Do you have a lawyer? Have you assessed your legal liabilities re libel etc. for falsely claiming real people are "bots"?