Tweets to Tom Moore

Tom Moore's avatar
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Tom Moore
Wash & NC
#Conservative #Trump2020 #BuildtheWall #1A #2A #VoterID @PastorDScott @RealDrGina @JaniceDean @RealJamesWoods @CVPayne @GenFlynn @DineshDSouza @Scaramucci
Tweets to this user:
Reaper ][][][%'s avatar
From @RidgeReaper68
RT @junogsp5: Ok I m away for med chaos 4 months 1st week back 2k followers purged ‍️ Block of honor from @Jack for calling out censo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RidgeReaper68 @junogsp5: see the real data at my top tweet. Twitter heavily censors *all* kinds of users. Breitbart etc falsely pretend only cons are censored. That helps Twitter by shrinking the opposition to their censorship. Urge Breitbart to stop helping Jack.
Buddy dawgmadd Wise ⭐⭐⭐'s avatar
From @dawg_lb
RT @junogsp5: Art of Deal Trump says Kiss my ICE without Wall & No Chain Migration #DACA #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@dawg_lb @junogsp5: Trump says he'll make a deal for amnesty, even tho he could get some of those without amnesty. #immigration #MAGA?