Tweets to Gigi!!

Gigi!!'s avatar
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STRIVE for America's avatar
From @lesstaxingcpa
RT @holyghostie: @24AheadDotCom @jimmygill @whitehouse @hhs @ice FEDS allow illegals into US and force State taxpaye…
camobell24's avatar
From @camobell24
RT @holyghostie: @24AheadDotCom @WilsonKM2 @bryan_caplan Harry Reid says illegals shouldn't have to follow law...but the Bundys do!
Mohammad Hashemi's avatar
From @mohammadha1332
RT @holyghostie: @WashTimes @24AheadDotCom Why are victims of Illegal Immigrant Crimes and ID theft ignored in IMMIGRATION REFORM?
The Washington Times's avatar
From @WashTimes
#TedCruz hopes to renounce Canadian citizenship 'soon' #politics
Gigi!!'s avatar
From @holyghostie
@WashTimes @24AheadDotCom Why are victims of Illegal Immigrant Crimes and ID theft ignored in IMMIGRATION REFORM?
NYC-718's avatar
From @EMaxever
@holyghostie @WashTimes @24AheadDotCom. I don't like the guy but get your facts right. He has dual citizenship. One parent is a USC.
NYC-718's avatar
From @EMaxever
@holyghostie @WashTimes @24AheadDotCom. Are you a VICTIM of illegal immigrant crimes ? Were u an illegal immigrant at one point!
ghetto pickles's avatar
From @ghettopickles
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@holyghostie: to discredit @CoryBooker, force @NumbersUSA to use against him. #immigration #tcot
Gigi!!'s avatar
From @holyghostie
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@holyghostie: to discredit @CoryBooker, force @NumbersUSA to use against him. #immigration #tcot
Jaxx's avatar
From @Jaxxbrat
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@holyghostie: e.g., @LuisGutierrez lives in his own pro-illegality world. Just discredit those in *mainstream* who give…
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@holyghostie: to discredit @CoryBooker, force @NumbersUSA to use against him. #immigration #tcot
Gigi!!'s avatar
From @holyghostie
@24AheadDotCom @CoryBooker @NumbersUSA I am so sad that my Senator refuses to answer a simple question about the humanity of victims.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@holyghostie: e.g., @LuisGutierrez lives in his own pro-illegality world. Just discredit those in *mainstream* who give him time of day.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@holyghostie: I can't change @ErikaAndiola mind about anything. Instead, I work to discredit *mainstream* ppl who help those like her.
