Tweets to Virginia Coverdale

Virginia Coverdale's avatar
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Virginia Coverdale
Washington State
End Gun Free Zones!! Politically incorrect capitalist. 1A 2A advocate. Time to end the reign of commie globalist thugs.
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24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gotapoint: I'm wondering. Do you think Trump's many versions of his Muslims ban indicate someone who can think things through?
Virginia Coverdale's avatar
From @gotapoint
@24AheadDotCom_ I don't remember many versions. Immigration from high risk areas has to stop. We are at war right now. Not unprecendted 2 do
Virginia Coverdale's avatar
From @gotapoint
@24AheadDotCom_ When babies washed up on shore DT said we "may have to let some in 4 humanitarian reasons" compassion. Next day sobered up.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @gotapoint When babies washed up on shore DT said we "may have to let some in 4 humanitarian reasons" compassion. Next day sobered up.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gotapoint: your strong anti-baby stance aside, Trump had a ban on all Muslims. Then, non-American Muslims. Then, it was a "suggestion".
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gotapoint: then, Trump's Muslims ban became a regions ban. Now - as always! - it's not a ban on Muslims but just to keep dangers out.
Virginia Coverdale's avatar
From @gotapoint
@24AheadDotCom_ Anti baby? Are you mentally ill? Who do u think threw those babies off the boats? The guys YOU want to let in!!!
Virginia Coverdale's avatar
From @gotapoint
@24AheadDotCom_ He never meant American citizen Muslims so because ppl r idiots he had to clarify. That is not changing positions. He'll ban
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gotapoint: you tweeted -->> When babies [washed ashore] DT said we "may have to let some in 4 humanitarian reasons". Next day sobered up.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gotapoint: what you said is "anti-baby". You're also wrong about immigration. My plan would keep more terrorists out than Trump's plan.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gotapoint: if Trump did what I wanted, we'd have *fewer* potential terrorists in USA. Not only are you against babies, you're pro-terror.
Virginia Coverdale's avatar
From @gotapoint
@24AheadDotCom_ I was right the first time. You are a total fruit loop.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gotapoint: if Trump had used his $2 billion in free media to just demand *stringent* refugee screening, would Obama give in? Yes or no?
Virginia Coverdale's avatar
From @gotapoint
@24AheadDotCom_ They can NOT BE screened
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gotapoint: if someone has no record, they don't get in under my plan. Under the Obama plan Trump has in effect helped, plenty have.
Virginia Coverdale's avatar
From @gotapoint
@24AheadDotCom_ Then none of them should be let in. there are no records. There is no way to vet. Any1 who says that are lying.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gotapoint: in Dec, I described how Trump could stop Obama's refugees agenda: What did Trump do instead?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gotapoint: instead of doing that, all Trump did was push a plan no one with any power supports. As a result, Obama's continued his agenda.