Tweets to Dan Pontefract

Dan Pontefract's avatar
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Dan Pontefract
Where else but from the heart.
Full potential is possible. LEAD. CARE. WIN. publishes Sept 29. Other books: OPEN TO THINK, THE PURPOSE EFFECT & FLAT ARMY. 4-time TEDx. Very bald. 🇨🇦
Tweets to this user:
Dan Pontefract's avatar
From @dpontefract
The best long read essay of 2018. “A central goal of Soviet, and later Russian, foreign policy was to split the U.S…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@dpontefract: @jonathanchait just blabs in his echo chamber, he's never done anything that Trump would fear. Trump Wall is a bogus, unimplementable joke: it'd be torn down or neglected. Has Chait ever tried to press Trump proxies on how fake it is, yes or no? #NYMag