Tweets to my [69F] boyfriend [420M] is texting other girls

my [69F] boyfriend [420M] is texting other girls's avatar
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my [69F] boyfriend [420M] is texting other girls
do you have the mental/emotional capacity to learn about an exciting new work from home opportunity selling essential oils?
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Ashley Feinberg's avatar
From @ashleyfeinberg
i video chatted with the nigerian pete supporter, it is not lis smiith, it brings me no pleasure to report this
my [69F] boyfriend [420M] is texting other girls's avatar
From @CartoonsHateHer
@ashleyfeinberg There’s only one explanation which is that you are Lis Smith
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CartoonsHateHer: while @ashleyfeinberg obsesses over some Mayor Pete fan, all the candidates - Trump & Dems - push truly outlandish & unrealistic plans without being called on it. She's distracting those like you from things that actually matter.