Tweets to Bryan Caplan

Bryan Caplan's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Bryan Caplan
Oakton, Virginia
GMU econ prof, NYT bestseller, father of 4, author of Myth of the Rational Voter, Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids, Case Against Education, and Open Borders.
Tweets to this user:
Shanu Athiparambath's avatar
From @deadmanoncampus
RT @bryan_caplan: .@24AheadDotCom If it's nuts to stand up for starving people's right to sell their labor to willing employers, I'm a ravi…
Machiavelli999's avatar
From @RomanP11
RT @bryan_caplan: .@24AheadDotCom If it's nuts to stand up for starving people's right to sell their labor to willing employers, I'm a ravi…
Trap Queen Jigglypuff ❁'s avatar
From @CarlForrest
RT @bryan_caplan: .@24AheadDotCom If it's nuts to stand up for starving people's right to sell their labor to willing employers, I'm a ravi…
John Covil's avatar
From @ncsupimaster
RT @bryan_caplan: .@24AheadDotCom If it's nuts to stand up for starving people's right to sell their labor to willing employers, I'm a ravi…
PalavrasPolivalentes's avatar
From @qquertwi
RT @bryan_caplan: .@24AheadDotCom If it's nuts to stand up for starving people's right to sell their labor to willing employers, I'm a ravi…
SSimms777's avatar
From @Ssimms777
RT @bryan_caplan: .@24AheadDotCom If it's nuts to stand up for starving people's right to sell their labor to willing employers, I'm a ravi…
Marc Andreessen's avatar
From @pmarca
RT @bryan_caplan: .@24AheadDotCom If it's nuts to stand up for starving people's right to sell their labor to willing employers, I'm a ravi…
Peter McCaffrey's avatar
From @peteremcc
RT @bryan_caplan: .@24AheadDotCom If it's nuts to stand up for starving people's right to sell their labor to willing employers, I'm a ravi…
Jordan Rempel's avatar
From @DearTheophilus
RT @bryan_caplan: .@24AheadDotCom If it's nuts to stand up for starving people's right to sell their labor to willing employers, I'm a ravi…
$ Anarchist's avatar
From @dollaranarch
RT @bryan_caplan: .@24AheadDotCom If it's nuts to stand up for starving people's right to sell their labor to willing employers, I'm a ravi…
