Tweets to Brian Sciaretta

Brian Sciaretta's avatar
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Brian Sciaretta
New Jersey, USA
Writer at American Soccer Now. Work also appears at The NY Times & Soccer America. Frequent guest on Talksport & SiriusXM. Based in New Jersey. Hoya Saxa
Tweets to this user:
Brian Sciaretta's avatar
From @BrianSciaretta
Question for #USMNT fans: who is the best uncapped American player at the moment (including only players playing at…
Kyle's avatar
From @kylebrogdon
@BrianSciaretta Carter-Vickers
Brian Sciaretta's avatar
From @BrianSciaretta
@kylebrogdon Ummm... he’s been capped a bunch of times now
Kyle's avatar
From @kylebrogdon
@BrianSciaretta He’s not cap tied.
Brian Sciaretta's avatar
From @BrianSciaretta
@kylebrogdon I know. But he’s played for the usmnt. The point is finding the best of those who haven’t
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BrianSciaretta @kylebrogdon: FYI, Fox is going to harm soccer in the USA by hiding Friday's #WorldCup matches on FS1. That makes soccer less popular & that leads to worse #USMNT teams. Please sign and share the petition in my pinned tweet.