Matt Welch's very first Los Angeles Times essay?

Former contributor to the lunatic libertarian magazine Reason Matt Welch was recently hired by the L.A. Times to write the occasional editorial. Could "A silly sting" be his very first effort? If so, bravo! (If not, bravo to whoever wrote it!)

It's truly a wonderful piece in the classic Tokyo Rose style, mocking those who want to take the revolutionary step of enforcing our immigration laws and ultimately benefiting those corrupt employers in Orange County who employ illegal aliens.

The editorial points out that immigration enforcement is a federal responsibility. Of course, the editorialist also knows that the federal government refuses to do its job. Unfortunately, some people might not know the latter, and in that case they would have been misled.


"There are far worse crimes committed in Orange than public job hunting or failing to carry a green card."

Yes, there surely are. But how many of those crimes are committed by illegal aliens, whose obvious presence is, day after day, so consciously ignored by the authorities?

Perhaps if they were to arrest illegals wherever and whenever (e.g. also lining up for matriculas) they gather, a lot of crime would be prevented. Don't the police normally want to prevent crime, if possible?

But then I guess that would be 'racial profiling', wouldn't it?

And we all know we can't tolerate that.