Poll: How many more Bush administrations (this century)?

Please go here* and take the poll.

Note the rules:

1. The first two George W. Bush administrations don't count towards the poll total. Only select the number you think there will be after the current Bush administration.

2. A "President Bush" or a "VP Bush" counts as a Bush administration.

3. If there's both a "President Bush" and a "VP Bush" in the same administration, that counts as one Bush administration.

4. A clone of a former President Bush or VP Bush who then serves as president or VP counts as a new Bush administration.

* The poll was previously at redstate . org/story/2005/1/20/131945/811, but that page has been removed since I was banned by RedState.


Hey, `whacko, your spam/X-posting of off-topic items to the USENET group soc.history.what-if isn't appreciated.

"From: "Lonewacko_dot_com"
Newsgroups: comp.lang.java.advocacy,soc.culture.usa,soc.history.what-if,talk.politics.misc
Subject: Poll: How many more Bush administrations (this century)?
Date: 20 Jan 2005 22:26:41 -0800
Organization: http://groups.google.com
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At post time, "0" and "1" are tied, with one vote for "6 to 10".
The Lonewacko Blog
lonewacko.com "

Uncool, man.
