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November 22, 2002
The new form of asymmetrical warfare

According to National Review:

Yesterday, a California-based Muslim legal group filed a complaint with the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers requesting disciplinary action against Alan Dershowitz... The complaint centers on a March 11 op-ed in the Jerusalem Post in which Dershowitz advocates a new counterterrorism measure for Israel. Under the Dershowitz plan, Israel would state publicly that upon the next terrorist attack, it will give residents of a specific Palestinian village known to have harbored terrorists 24 hours to leave, whereupon Israeli bulldozers would level the village. The Muslim lawyers call this tantamount to advocating war crimes.

[Dershowitz says] "...What they're proposing is utterly un-American and unlawyerlike, to try to use disciplinary procedures to silence speech they disagree with."

England is going through a similar problem, as discussed here earlier and at Samizdata.

Could things like these be categorized as a new form of asymmetrical warfare against the West?

If you want to fight back, read the article Pro-hunting writer held in cell after race claims and then consider contacting the Amnesty International Gloucester & Cheltenham Group.

Posted by The Lonewacko Blog to Terrorism at November 22, 2002 11:32 AM
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