Tweets to Assassin Roblox

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Assassin Roblox
California, USA
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Tweets to this user:
#BernieOrBust 🌹's avatar
From @NoFascistLies
RT @nancy180: @StopNuclearWar @lightbird_aka I think Pence is worse than Trump. Trump is a liar but Pence is a koolaid drinking believer.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
List those who pointed out Pence lied about Trump's MX comments. MT @StopNuclearWar RT @nancy180: @lightbird_aka Pence is worse than Trump
#BernieOrBust 🌹's avatar
From @NoFascistLies
A vote for Trump is a vote to end all art and culture funding. A vote for Hillary is a vote to expand it. #ImWithHer
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Most put closed factories due to globalism before that. MT @StopNuclearWar A vote for Trump is a vote to end all art and culture funding.