Tweets to Trumpin' TEXT TRUMP TO 88022

Trumpin' TEXT TRUMP TO 88022's avatar
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Trumpin' TEXT TRUMP TO 88022
Alexandria, VA
God Bless Donald J .Trump ... #TrumpGirlđź’Ż.
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Trumpin' TEXT TRUMP TO 88022's avatar
From @Harper334036
RT @PoliticalShort: Twitter, Google, Facebook, et al, are private companies. They may restrict whomever they want at their leisure. However…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
1. What evidence is there that Short would censor libs if he had the chance? 2. Does he really oppose censorship or is he just upset he isn't doing the censoring? 3. How ultimately is he different than TWTR? MT @Harper334036 RT @PoliticalShort [Twitter censors conservatives]