carly fiorina

carly fiorina: Page 1

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Occupy DC helps the Koch brothers, shows what democracy actually looks like: a mob - 11/06/11

The Washington DC branch of Occupy Wall Street appears to be the dimmest and least emotionally-controlled of their various chapters. And, that's really saying something. For examples, see the videos below. In the first, they block a woman in a wheelchair from leaving a building. In the second, they use little kids as human shields.

Carly Fiorina misleads: ignores immigration role in California problems (NRSC vice chair, "job creators") - 07/13/11

Former California senatorial candidate Carly Fiorina is the new vice chairwoman of the NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee). She also becomes just the latest fiscal conservative to mislead people using the "Fiscal Con" (see the link).

California primary: Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina win; Gavin Newsom, Abel Maldonado? - 06/08/10

The results of the California primary are not at all pretty from a pro-American immigration position.

Taitz uninvited from tea party event; does Seema Mehta know what a "falsehood" is? - 04/14/10

Seema Mehta of the Los Angeles Times brings word (link) that Orly Taitz has been disinvited from a tea parties event in Pleasanton on Thursday. And, that was done after politicians who were to appear at the event complained. Taitz is a piece of work, so it's perfectly understandable why Carly Fiorina and Chuck DeVore wouldn't want to share a stage with her (even if they say they had nothing to do with her being booted from the event). That said, this bit from Seema Mehta's article jumps out (bolding added): Taitz is best known for her crusade to prove Obama was born in Kenya and not Hawaii, a...

Questions for John Fund about the Hispanic vote (Wall Street Journal, Carly Fiorina) - 11/28/09

John Fund of the Wall Street Journal offers an interview with California senate candidate Carly Fiorina (link). Fiorina is not an option, and she says the to-be-expected things. Rather than spending time discussing why Fiorina is wrong, I encourage the readers of this site to go to Fund's appearances and ask him about this paragraph: An issue that will give (Chuck DeVore) some traction in a primary is that Ms. Fiorina says she "probably" would have voted to confirm Sonia Sotomayor, because most presidential Supreme Court nominees who are qualified deserve a presumption of support. One can...

Carly Fiorina supports massive skilled immigration ("There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore") - 11/06/09

Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina recently announced her candidacy as a Republican for senator from California; she's trying to unseat Barbara Boxer. While the latter is a highly worthy goal, she appears to be a globalist, profits-at-any-cost supporter of massive immigration at least of the skilled variety.